Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Media Stretches Their Statements to Make Points

OK, so I know it's just a little thing, but I was reading a question and answer thing on Dallas Morning News with Rick Gosselin.  The question he was posed to comment on was the following:

On the Cowboys’ running game (or lack thereof):
Gosselin's Response:
 Gosselin: "I wish they spent more time working on the run. They couldn’t run it last year. Show me you can run the ball. If you can run the ball, you’ll hold onto the ball and four of the turnovers last week came on pass play."
While I completely agree with Gosselin that the Cowboys need to run the ball better this year or they will end the year again around 8-8 and no playoff spot, his statement is obviously strangely skewed to make his point...... 

"you'll hold onto the ball and four of the turnovers last week came on a pass play"...... 

while technically correct, four of the turnovers did occur on passing plays, two of these four turnovers, which Gosselin fails to mention, were fumbles which occurred well after the catch was made and had nothing to do with it being a passing play.  In fact one of these "passing turnovers" occurred by the running back, Lance Dunbar, 40 yards down the field after he had caught a little 2 yard pass.  So again, I know it's just a little thing, but I get so tired of media people really stretching the facts to make their point.  Especially in this case when there are many arguments to be made about how important it is that the Cowboys run the ball better, without stooping to using skewed data.

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