Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Continued Hypocrisy by the NFL/Goodell

Not that it is a surprise, but the NFL New York Offices have decided that DeMarcus Ware will not be allowed to wear his new facemask, click on the link below to read the article from ESPN.....


Here is a pic of the face mask he wanted to wear in order to reduce the amount of hands to face from the offensive lineman who block him.

 In contrast, here is the mask that Ray Lewis wore....

AND here is the face mask that NY Giants players Justin Tuck and Chris Canty (Chris Canty now with the Baltimore Ravens) have been and will continue to be allowed to wear due to a "medical condition"......

Chris Canty

Justin Tuck
So I don't think any further discussion of the hypocrisy and bias against the Dallas Cowboys by the NFL Offices in the Northeast is necessary.  As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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