Monday, November 19, 2012

NY Giants/Eli Media Excuses

Even though the Giants were on a bye this, the NY media based ESPN still felt compelled to provide excuses for why the Giants and Eli Manning have struggled in recent weeks.  The excuse du jour was Eli's arm is tired from throwing so much.  Let me repeat this in case you are still laughing as hard as I am as I write this,...."Eli's arm is tired from throwing".

I do not even know where to begin with refuting such utter and total BS.  Do you really think Eli is any more tired than any other Quarterback in the NFL right now, particularly QBs behind horrible offensive lines like Tony Romo and Mike Vick.  We all know when watching ESPN that you have to live through the NorthEast media bias, but this is ridiculous.  If ESPN is going to make excuses, at least make them plausible.

But then to make matters worst, I started noticing on Sunday that other media outlets, CBS, Fox etc. had started copying this line.  It's one thing to come up with a BS excuse that's ridiculous, but how lazy to do you have to be to copy someone else's stupid excuse.  Unbelievable.  But eventually everyone will say this ridiculous line repeatedly until it becomes "fact".  Kind of like watching Fox News.

I'm going to start a new excuse for the Cowboys Defense allowing the late 4th Quarter Touch Down by Cleveland.  "The Cowboys defense had played for almost four Quarters and were tired."  If I say it enough times it will become true, Right?

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