Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Jerry Jones the General Manager

So once again the discussion begins about whether Jerry Jones should fire himself as the General Manager of the Dallas Cowboys.  I watch "First Take" on ESPN2 and there is Skip, Stephen A. and Darren Woodson discussing Jerry Jones the owner and General Manager.  Everyone agrees that he's a good owner, but a horrible General Manager.  This discussion gets repeated year after year in November and/or December once it is evident that once again the Dallas Cowboys (aka America's Team) is relegated to mediocrity or in some cases like this year, less than mediocrity with a 3-5 record.  And once again Jerry goes on TV (Bob Costas interview) and local radio interviews and is asked the question about his ability as a General Manager, and once again babbles on in the unknown language of "Jerry Speak", where he says something but nothing at the same time.  But most telling in a recent radio interview Jerry started re-writing history and spouting statements as facts that are absolutely not factual.  And to make matters worse, I don't think he even knows that he is lying.  In his delusional world, he thinks these non-truths are in fact truthful history.  The most recent example in said radio interview - Jerry said that he was the General Manager of the Cowboys during the early '90s and won three Superbowls, and by virtue of that experience, knows he can do it again.  This is absolutely a false statement and re-writing of history.  Jerry was not the General Manager and was not in charge player personnel while Jimmy Johnson was the head coach.  So Jerry has never been the General Manager and Manager of Personnel for a team that won three Superbowls.  He was owner of a team that won three Superbowls, but was not in charge of player personnel during that period.  And if you don't believe me, then believe Jimmy Johnson who was there..(Jimmy Johson disputes Jerry Jones' claims on Dan Patrick Show).  And again, the real problem with Jerry, he truly believes he is telling the truth.  In his Al Davis, mind dwindling, circle talking, lost world of early onset Alzheimer's believes he was the instrumental force behind those three Superbowls.  But it simply isn't true.

What is true, is that ever since Jimmy Johnson left, the Cowboys have alternated between mediocre and horrible.  The only slight upward tick in fortunes was when Jerry hired Bill Parcells who took a horrible team full of players that couldn't even make the practice squad of the Kansas City Chiefs and within 3 years turned them into a competitive playoff bound team.  Had Jerry not run Bill Parcells off with the Terrell Owens debacle, Parcells might have stayed for the full five years of his contract and taken the Cowboys deeper into the playoffs.  But once again Jerry Jones interfered,  ran off Bill Parcells, hired Wade Phillips and well the rest is part of the horrid Cowboys history.

When are we going to stop having this same discussion every year?
Reporter - "Jerry what do you think of yourself as a General Manager?" 
Jerry - "Well, uhh, I uhhh, blah blah blah blah blah". 
This is not a rhetorical question, as I have no answer.  The definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  Jerry continues to do the same thing, which is be a horrible GM.  We continue to ask the same questions.  We continue to get the same lame Jerry Speak answer.  People continue to show up for games and drive high TV ratings for Dallas Cowboy games.

Jerry cares less about winning and more about fame, recognition and being the face of the Dallas Cowboys, even if they annually suck.  Well, thanks Jerry Jones, you have taken a once proud franchise and driven it into a laughing stock with no hope of redemption.  Even after you are long gone, this blight on the Cowboys history will always leave an indelible mark of disgrace.

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