Monday, May 20, 2013

Lock Out Jerry Jones

I know there are an endless number of Jerry Jones hate articles and blogs, many of which I have written myself.  But even here at the beginning of summer and a long way from Football season I came across a couple of items from writers and an ex-Cowboy player, discussing Jerry Jones interference.  Reading these made me get on the Jerry Jones Soap Box once again......

Here's the first item I found from the Dallas Morning News with quotes from Nate Newton.... Dallas News Staff Article - Nate Newton's Advice to Garrett

The reason the Cowboys are perennial losers since Jimmy left is because of Jerry Jones.  In the story above, here is an ex-Cowboys, Superbowl winning player talking.  In the article, he even admits that he "loves" Jerry, but he knows the mindset of young pro football players.  It's like an army, you have to be willing to go to war for your head coach, either through fear and/or respect.  With Jerry Jones interference, he automatically creates 2 - 4 losses each year, which is enough each year to keep the Cowboys out of the playoffs. In Dallas, Jerry always undermines the head coaches.  That's why Parcells left.  Even though Parcells was building something good, because of the T.O. thing (and who knows what else was going on in the background that we the general public are not privy to) he knew that Jerry would ultimately undermine everything he had done and that would be just enough interference to make the cowboys lose in the end.

In another transcript, Nate even goes on to discuss how Romo needs to ignore Jerry.... Dallas Morning News - Nate Newton transcript KSEN radio interview
Again, all of this from an ex-Cowboys player who loves Jerry Jones.  Regardless of how much he likes the man personally, Nate knows enough about pro-football operations to know that Jerry is the ultimate ruination of the once great football franchise, Dallas Cowboys.

Then if all of this didn't get me on enough of a Soap Box, coincidentally the great Randy Galloway of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, posted an article discussing the exact same thing...

With all of this in mind, my suggestion for Jason Garret is this.....
Meet with Monte Kiffin and Rodd Marinelli and say look...."It's hard to coach in Dallas because of Jerry. He's always meddling, splitting loyalties between the coaches. Just like you guys, you are loyal to him because he hired you, not me.  But let's get together as a group and be loyal to each other, and support each other in the face of Jerry.  Show him that we have control of this team offensively and defensively, that we are the football guys, that we make the decisions, not him".

Jason should build this consortium that over rules Jerry.  The players would see this happening and be responsive to the coaches again.  Same goes for Jason Garret and Romo, get together and shut Jerry up/out.  Then when the wins start piling up, their confidence and authority would grow.  Jerry would then become isolated as a rambling old, meddlesome man who everybody just ignores.

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