Monday, December 3, 2012

Stop the Bias of NFL Officiating Crews

Every call was scrutinized.  Every discussion or delay of the game was discussed for hours on ESPN.  Every mistake was presented as though the fate of mankind was doomed.  That was during the "Replacement" NFL Refs brief tenure.  Yet now I watch hours (too many hours some might say) of NFL football, and the officiating crews are horrible.  They make simple mistakes, there is no consistency in the penalties and in every game there seems to be a distinct bias toward one team.  This occurs not only with the penalties they call on one team, but the obvious "no calls" for the opposing team.  But I wake the next morning, to find no discussion of the NFL officiating crews by ESPN or any other sports network.  All of the mistakes, all of the bumbling around/delay of games, all of the obvious bias toward one team or another, everything is just dismissed and ignored.  

Really?!  It's OK for the "professional" refs who are getting paid huge money to work part time to make egregious mistakes?  But it wasn't OK for the replacement refs to make mistakes?  This obviously seems backward to me.  Why not give the replacement refs a little slack but be really hard on the permanent refs?

I can use numerous games throughout the weekend to demonstrate the bias, but I'll use the Sunday Night Game of Cowboys versus the Eagles, as it is most recent.

Total penalties:
Cowboys - 7 for 60 yards
Eagles - 1 for 5 yards

I'm not saying that it's impossible for one team to have only one penalty while the other team has 7.  But I'm saying I watched the game and some of the 7 penalties for the Cowboys were borderline calls that could go either way (call or no call) while the Eagles committed several blatant penalties that were never called even though the "professional refs" were starring directly at the infraction.  It was an obvious bias on the part of the refs in favor of the Eagles.  And while part of my rant is the lack of coverage by the media for the horrible officiating, I do need to give props to Chris Collinsworth, who pointed out several times how badly the referees were performing.

Not only is the terrible officiating a blot on the NFL, but the outcome of games continually are affected by this constant bias by refs. 
Let me give an example:
Cowboys are in the Red Zone, DeMarco Murray gets a good run up the middle to the 1 or 2 yard line.  Refs call a holding penalty which for all intensive purposes kills the drive and forces the Cowboys to settle for a field goal instead of a go ahead touchdown (loss of 4 points).  When replayed, the commentators couldn't find any Cowboys player guilty of holding.  Then on the very next possession by the Eagles, they are in the Red Zone on the 10 yard line, Bryce Brown gets the carry, there is a blatant hold by one of the Eagles offensive linemen, which allows Brown to run into the red zone untouched for a TD.  Seven points plus the 4 taken away from the Cowboys and you have the referees falsely creating an 11 point differential.

You see this bias in game after game.  It's one thing if a particular officiating crew is calling the game "close", or if another crew is calling it "loosely".  That's fine, that's just human.  But for the crew to call it "tight" for one team and "loose" for the other is just cheating. 

I don't know if this is:

  1. NFL trying to control the outcome of certain games so TV viewership will remain high - ie. without the referees the Cowboys/Eagles game would've been a blowout.  The Cowboys won, but the Referees kept the game close and therefore "interesting" to watch so people wouldn't turn the channel and thereby keep the ratings high throughout the game for advertising revenue for the NFL.
  2. NFL controlling the outcome of games so they can arrange which teams go to the playoffs and Superbowls.
  3. Gambling/organized Crime is involved to effect the spread.
  4. Or Referees have teams they favor (or dislike) and therefore let their individual bias interfere with the integrity of the game.
But whatever the reason, something needs to be done to stop this constant calamity each week.  It should start with the media beating up the "professional" refs just as much as they did the replacement refs.  This will start an open dialogue and bring these biased and game changing refs to the forefront.  Only with this attention will anything change.  As long as we sit here week after week and ignore the atrocities that occur every week, the integrity of the NFL will continue to erode.

1 comment:

  1. Packer games are notoriously bad. The league admitted to 16 bad calls that all went the Packers way in week 1, 2016. I recall seeing the Packers getting a similar head start on the season by "beating" the Bears in week 1 of 2015. There are many, many other games that have been given to the Packers. It's no wonder Rodgers has such a high rating; he never has to actually risk taking bad stats.
